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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The purpose of the below text is to inform you about the nature, scope, and purpose of collecting and using your personal data on our website. If you have any further questions regarding data protection in the context of our website, please do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer:


Contact Details for our Data Protection Officer

Email: dataprotection(at)


Scope of Application

This privacy statement applies to the website located at, which is operated by BFE Studio and Media Systems GmbH. It also applies to any content owned by BFE that appears on this website. Content belonging to other website providers, for example links to other websites, is subject to the privacy policy of that provider.


What Do We Know About Your Visits to Our Website?

When you access our website, the following information is stored in a log file on the web server or application server:

  • The IP address of the computer from which the request was sent, in an anonymized (shortened) form

  • Browser information (web browser used, operating system, language settings)

  • Information about the server service used

  • Protocol version

  • Name of the retrieved file or website (URL)

  • The date and time you accessed the website

  • The quantity of data transferred

  • Status information (e.g. error messages)

This information is used for statistical purposes. After a short time, the Internet address of your end device is anonymized by overwriting the last byte (e.g. 94.128.12.XXX).



On your first visit to the website located at, a message will be displayed informing you that we use cookies. The meaning of this message is explained below. If you click the "OK" button on the message, this creates a cookie which indicates to us that you have seen the message. This cookie is valid for the duration of your browser session, and is then automatically deleted by your browser.

The next time you visit our website, the message will be displayed again. The same applies if you have cleared the cookies in your browser manually or visit using a different end device.

In addition, temporary cookies are used when accessing individual pages. These are small text files that contain technical information used for the connection between your browser and our website located at These session cookies do not contain any personal data and are automatically deleted at the end of the session when the web browser is closed.

If third-party content is featured on, e.g. links to other websites, cookies from third parties may be used and you may receive no express indication from us that this is case. All popular browsers allow you to determine how these cookies are processed, meaning that you can prevent the cookies from being stored, adjust how the cookies are processed by your browser, or delete the cookies.


Links to Other Providers

Where our website links to content from other providers, this can be identified by the corresponding hyperlink or an advisory message. The use of these websites may be subject to other terms and conditions which deviate from those described in this privacy policy.


Social Plugins

This website does not use mechanisms which automatically provide information about your visit to our website to social media service providers (social plugins).

Any links to social media service providers such as YouTube, Facebook, etc. are exclusively in the form of a hyperlink. This means that data about your visit to our website (e.g. IP address, time, URL) or data stored on your end device (e.g. cookie information) is only transmitted to the respective provider if you intentionally click on the link.


Analysis Tools

We use the web analysis service "Matomo" to collect statistical data regarding the use of our website (website tracking).

This service stores non-personal data (such as browser version, language, referring website, and the date or time of your visit). This data is used to better understand how users use our website.

Matomo also records data from which conclusions could potentially be drawn about your personal data (such as Internet Protocol [IP] addresses). Such data is anonymized (shortened) when it is collected (by overwriting the last byte, e.g. 94.128.12.XXX) and is used solely for the purposes of better understanding user behavior and improving our website and its content. This data will not be passed on to third parties and will be deleted automatically after six months.


Contact Form

You can contact us via a contact form on our website. In this context, your personal data is stored and processed for the purpose of communicating with you. The data collected for this purpose ([first name, last name, email, telephone number, company]) will not be passed on to third parties. The data will not be consolidated with other data collected on this website.

The basis for data collection in accordance with art. 6 para. 1 GDPR is: You have given your consent for processing where necessary (a); processing is necessary for the performance of a contract or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract (b); processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation (c); or processing is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests (f).

The data will be deleted as soon as the purposes of the communication have been fulfilled.



At irregular intervals, we release a newsletter including the latest news from the industry, product news and updates, and invitations to trade fairs and events.

If you register for our newsletter via the BFE Newsletter page, you are agreeing to the personal data you enter into the registration form (email address, gender, first name, last name, company, telephone number) being stored for the purposes of sending you the newsletter.

It is only necessary to fill out the fields for your email address (so we can send you the newsletter), salutation and your first and last names (so we can address you personally in the newsletter) in order to register for the newsletter (these are mandatory fields). All of the other fields are filled out on a voluntary basis.

We use the third party service CleverReach (CleverReach GmbH & Co. KG) to collect data from the form and to send the newsletter.

Every time you receive a newsletter from us, you will be given the option of unsubscribing from our list. Simply click on the link at the bottom of the email or contact our Data Protection Officer.


Right of Access

You have a right of access to information regarding whether we are processing your personal data, the purpose of processing the data, the categories of personal data being processed, whether your personal data has been disclosed and to whom, for how long the data will be saved, and the rights to which you are entitled.


Right of Rectification of Data

You have the right to rectify any inaccurate personal data we have stored. You also have the right to supplement any incomplete data records we have stored.



You have the right to request to delete your personal data, if (1) the data was processed unlawfully, (2) the purpose for which the data were collected has been fulfilled, (3) you have revoked your consent regarding data processing and there is no other legal ground for processing, (4) we are subject to a legal obligation to delete the data, (5) you are under 16 years of age, or (6) you have objected to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for processing on our behalf.


Right to Restriction of Processing

You can request the processing of your information by us to be restricted in the following instances. In such instances, we will add a lock flag to this data and cease any further processing. (1) If you have contested the accuracy of the personal data, processing will be limited while we verify the accuracy. (2) If you have requested deletion of the data, but we cannot or are not permitted to perform this deletion. (3) If you require the data in order to assert claims, but we were obliged to delete the data as the purpose of processing the data has been fulfilled. (4) If you have raised an objection to your data being processed, but a final decision has not yet been made.


Objection to Processing

If we process your personal data for the purposes of our own legitimate interests, you can object to this processing on the basis of your particular situation.


Revoking Granted Consent

If you have previously consented to us processing your personal data, you can revoke this consent at any time. Please send your revocation to the contact details for our Data Protection Officer as specified above.


Right to Lodge a Complaint with a Supervisory Authority

You have the right to lodge a data protection-related complaint with the supervisory authority. Our competent supervisory authority is the Commissioner for Data Protection for Rhineland-Palatinate. The complaint can be investigated by any supervisory authority regardless of competency.


Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy when necessary so that it always corresponds to the current legal requirements, or in order to implement changes to our services into the privacy policy, for example if we introduce new services. The new version of the privacy policy would then be applicable the next time you visit our website.

With the following text, we would like to inform you about the type, scope and purpose of the processing of personal data on our website. The controller within the meaning of the GDPR and BDSG is


BFE Studio and Media Systems GmbH An der Fahrt 1 D - 55124 Mainz represented by the managing directors Martin Dempf and Sven Hesselbach

If you have any further questions about data protection in connection with our website, please do not hesitate to contact our data protection officer:

Contact details of our data protection officer Email: datenschutzbeauftragter(at)


Scope of application

This privacy policy applies to the website of BFE Studio und Medien Systeme GmbH and its own content offered there. For contents of other providers to which reference is made, e.g. via links, the provisions of those websites apply.


Purposes of processing your data

We process your data for the following purposes:Preparation of offers in response to your enquiry, drafting of contracts for orders that you place with us at your request, an application from you and any resulting employment relationship or general enquiries.

The legal basis for this is Art. 6, para. 1, lit. b. (contract fulfilment or pre-contractual measures at your request). We do not pass on your data to other recipients and do not intend to transfer your data to so-called third countries without the legal requirements for these countries being met (Privacy Shield, binding internal data protection regulations, standard contractual clauses or the existence of an adequacy decision).  

If you are unwilling or unable to provide us with your data for the above-mentioned purposes, it will not be possible to prepare an offer, conclude a contract with you or establish an employment relationship. The processing of your data for all purposes is not subject to automated decision-making.


What data do we collect when you visit our website?

When you access the website, the following data is stored in a log file on the web or application server:

  • IP address of the computer from which the request was sent

  • Browser information (web browser used, operating system, language settings),

  • Information about the server service used,

  • Protocol version,

  • Name of the retrieved file or offer page (URL),

  • Date and time of access,

  • Volume of data transferred,

  • Status information (e.g. error messages).

This information is used for statistical purposes.


Website hosting provider

Our website host is the company Ltd.If your data is processed by our website host, this processing will only take place to the extent that processing is necessary. Further information can be found in the privacy policy of our website host Ltd: 

As our website host only acts as a processor, it is therefore not authorised to process your data for its own purposes and only processes your data to provide the service and, for example, to prevent, investigate and minimise risks and incidents relating to data security, fraud, errors and/or unlawful or prohibited activities

Where personal data is transferred from our website host to a country outside the EU or EEA, the following safeguards are in place

Conclusion of standard contractual clauses or a comparable instrument recognised by the competent authority of the EU, the United Kingdom or Switzerland; or ensuring the existence of other appropriate safeguards in accordance with Article 46 GDPR or an equivalent provision within applicable data protection laws.


Your rights
Right to information

You have a right to information about whether we process personal data about you, for what purposes we process the data, which categories of personal data we process, to whom the data may be or have been forwarded, how long the data may be stored and which rights you are entitled to.

Right to rectification of data

You have the right to have inaccurate personal data concerning you that is stored by us corrected. You also have the right to have an incomplete data record stored by us completed.

Right to erasure

You can request that we erase personal data concerning you if (1) the data has been processed unlawfully, (2) the purpose for which the data was collected has been achieved, (3) you have withdrawn your consent to data processing and there is no other legal basis for the processing, (4) we are subject to a legal obligation to erase the data, (5) you are under 16 years of age or (6) you have objected to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing on our part. 

Right to restriction of processing

You can request that we restrict processing in the following cases. In these cases, we will block the data and not process it any further. (1) If you dispute the accuracy of the personal data for the duration of our review. (2) If you have requested erasure and we cannot or may not carry out erasure. (3) If you require the data for the assertion of claims, but we would be obliged to erase it because the purpose of the processing has been achieved. (4) If you have objected to the processing and no final decision has yet been made.


Right to object to processing

If the processing of personal data concerning you is based on legitimate interests on our part, you may object to the processing on grounds relating to your particular situation.


Right to revoke a given consent

If you have given us your consent to the processing of personal data, you can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future. Please send your cancellation to the contact details of our data protection officer given above.


Right to data portability

You have the right to receive your data in a commonly used, machine-readable format.

Right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority

You have the right to lodge a data protection complaint with the supervisory authority. The supervisory authority responsible for us is

The State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information Rhineland-Palatinate

Postfach 30 40 55020 Mainz


Hintere Bleiche 34 55116 Mainz

Telephone: 061 31/208-24 49 Fax: 061 31/208-24 97

Email: Homepage:


The complaint can be lodged with any supervisory authority, regardless of jurisdiction.


Storage period of the data we collect

We store applicant data for a period of 7 months.Offers that do not lead to an order are deleted after one year.

We delete general enquiries that do not lead to a business relationship after 6 months.For all documents and receipts, the statutory periods with the respective applicable storage period apply.



If you click on the ‘Agree’ or ‘Confirm selection’ button in the notice, a cookie will be set to show us that you have seen the notice.

You will be shown the notice again if you have deleted the cookies in your browser separately, access via another end device or if it has expired.Temporary cookies, i.e. small text files containing technical information for connecting your browser to our website, continue to be used when individual pages are accessed. These session cookies do not contain any personal data and are automatically deleted at the end of the session when the web browser is closed.

When using third-party content via, e.g. in the case of a link, cookies from third-party providers may be used without us being able to expressly point this out to you. The most common browsers allow you to specify the processing of such cookies so that you can deactivate the storage of these cookies or set the type of processing by your browser or delete these cookies.

A list of the cookies used on can be found on the following page:


Forwarding to another provider

Where links are provided from our website to content from other providers, this can be recognised by a corresponding hyperlink or text reference. The use of these offers may be subject to conditions other than those described in this privacy policy.


Social plugins

Our website does not use any mechanisms that automatically send information to the providers of social media services (social plugins) when you visit our website.

Any forwarding to providers of social media services such as Linkedin, Xing, YouTube, Facebook, etc. takes place exclusively via a link, so that data about your visit to our website (e.g. IP address, time, URL) or data available on your end device (e.g. cookie information) is only transferred to the respective providers when you consciously use the link.


Contact form

You have the option of contacting us via the contact form on our website. In this context, your personal data will be stored and processed for the purpose of communication. The data collected for this purpose (first name, surname, e-mail, telephone number, company) will not be passed on to third parties. The data will not be merged with other data collected on this website.

The basis for data collection in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 GDPR is: the consent you may have given (lit. a); if applicable, the processing of information for the fulfilment of a contract or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures (lit. b), if applicable, the fulfilment of a legal obligation (lit. c) and the legitimate interest of our company in the communication you have initiated (lit. f).The data will be deleted as soon as the purpose of the communication has been achieved.


Changes to the privacy policy

We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy from time to time so that it always complies with current legal requirements or to implement changes to our services in the privacy policy, e.g. when introducing new services. The new privacy policy will then apply to your next visit.

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