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Furniture / Racks / Monitor Walls
Control Center Furniture

Control Center Furniture to Meet Every Requirement

The police, fire service, aid organizations, air traffic control and industry — control centers play a crucial role in all these fields. In order to ensure optimal working conditions, all furniture has to meet high quality standards, with consideration of ergonomics, reliability, functionality, durability and user-friendliness. Users need all information at a glance at all times in order to respond immediately in the event of an emergency.

Does your control center furniture meet these criteria? Can users work and respond quickly and efficiently? Or is there a need for optimization due to conversion measures, modernization, device updates or a planned new construction?


With BFE, you have an experienced partner at your side. We boast many years of extensive expertise in planning, developing and implementing specialized furniture for media technology and broadcasting. Our experience ranges from installing specialized technology to professional handling of signal and information technology (audio, video, network) and solutions for optimal display. We know what is important, have a product-neutral approach, and pay careful attention to maximum quality and optimal durability, while keeping a close eye on deadlines and costs.


These are the ideal prerequisites for planning and achieving your tailor-made control center furniture solutions.


Our range of services includes:

  • Consulting, design and construction

  • Development/modification of IT systems

  • Manufacture, integration and service

  • Targeted purchasing and individual compilation of current audio/video and IT technologies

  • Integration of existing apparatus (made available by the client) or connection to existing systems


Our product range includes:

  • System desks

    • Single/multi operator desks

    • Basic desks and baying/extension desks as well as corner solutions

    • 19-inch technology installations

    • Modular installations

  • Large-screen walls (to display workstation information as an overview for all employees)

  • Specialized solutions such as front projection surfaces rather than panels, desktops, magnetic boards, smartboards, sliding screens, storage cabinets


Would you like further information or to discuss a specific project with us? Contact us — we will be happy to advise you.


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