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Event Organizers

Media Technology for Impressive Events

Audiences have ever greater demands, including when it comes to events. Not only is high quality in the audio-visual field required, but also all-weather and robust systems designed for applications with rapid assembly, disassembly, and re-assembly. Collaborative working must be guaranteed, fast, reliable and offer the highest precision. The interaction of production and broadcasting platforms must also function across multiple sites, just like a transmission via Livestream.

Can your system architecture do all that? Are your technical prerequisites equal to these tasks, even across different media channels? Can you offer increasing interactivity with virtual and augmented reality? And not forgetting, of course, the new security requirements such as connected camera monitoring.


The best way to meet these numerous demanding requirements is with an experienced partner like BFE. We have extensive expertise in implementing technical solutions for a wide range of major events. Whether it's AV and IP-based solutions or the production of customized information and communication centers, our solutions are perfectly tailored to your technical and spatial requirements.


Our range of services includes:

  • Equipping of exhibition spaces, conference and seminar rooms

  • Multi-screen projection

  • Digital signage for single buildings and networking across several locations

  • Design and production of individual furniture with highest quality

  • Individual software development and design

  • Use of cutting edge technologies in augmented and virtual reality

  • Visitor information and management systems

  • Video based training systems (e-learning)


Our work is product-neutral, and we always focus on maximum quality and optimum durability, while of course keeping a close eye on deadlines and costs.


Do you already have a specific project in mind, or would you like non-binding advice? Contact us — we will be happy to advise you.

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