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Close-up of the control desk in ZDF's DPM1 and DPM2 production vehicles modernised by BFE with illuminated buttons and audio controls.

Future-proof technology for mobile TV production

Modernisation and digitalisation of ZDF production vehicles

Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen

Outside Broadcasting

Mainz, Germany

PTZ camera for video conferences in modern conference room technology at Goethe University, realised by BFE.

Modernisation of seminar and event rooms at the Westend campus

Hybrid conference and media technology

Goethe University Frankfurt

Educational Institutions

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Presenter in the ProSiebenSat.1 news studio equipped by BFE with state-of-the-art technology such as LED walls, IP-based production environment and cameras for high-quality news production

ProSiebenSat.1 - News studio

News studio with IP-based production environment

ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE


Unterföhring, Germany

LED wall on the DFB campus in Frankfurt showing a soccer match.

DFB-Campus - Media technology for the new training center in Frankfurt

Media technology for the DFB campus

Deutscher Fußball-Bund e.V.

Educational Institutions

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Regieraum eines ORF IP Ü-Wagens, entwickelt von BFE Studio und Medien Systeme GmbH, mit einer Reihe von Bildschirmen, die Live-Übertragungen und Testbilder zeigen. Die Arbeitsplätze sind mit Steuerpulten und modernen Broadcast-Technologien ausgestattet, um die mobile Fernsehproduktion effizient zu steuern. Der Raum bietet eine ergonomische Arbeitsumgebung für Techniker und Regisseure zur Kontrolle von Video- und Audioübertragungen.


IP based OB Van for news, entertainment, sports and culture



Vienna, Austria

State police control centre in Baden-Württemberg with modern equipment and visualisation technology from BFE. Several monitors and workstations in an open space for monitoring and controlling police operations. The control centre offers a clear structure for effective coordination and control in real time.

Polizei Baden-Württemberg

Visualization technology for Baden-Wuerttemberg state police force

Polizei Baden-Württemberg

Public Administration

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

ZDF – Broadcasting center / MCR

IP technology for the ZDF broadcasting center



Mainz, Germany

Sveriges Television – MCR 2.0

New MCR for swedish TV

Sveriges Television


Stockholm, Sweden

WDR – New TV control room and network renewal

New control room and cable network for the WDR



Cologne, Germany

rbb – Renewal of playout system

New playout system for rbb



Berlin, Germany

Radio Bremen – Construction of a new trimedial broadcasting enter

Performance capability in the smallest Space

Radio Bremen


Bremen, Germany

MBC Dubai – Tapeless environment

Tapeless system environment with file-based workflows

MBC Group


Dubai, الإمارات العربيّة المتّحدة

TopVision – HD Ü51

The biggest in the fleet


Content Creation

Berlin, Germany

ProSiebenSat1 Produktion – Material pool and playout center

Tapeless workflow for material pool and playout center



Munich, Germany

Oman TV – HD1 and HD2

OB van for desert missions

Oman TV

Outside Broadcasting

Maskat & Salalah, عُمان

MDR Leipzig – New playout automation system

Multichannel playout automation for MDR

Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk


Leipzig, Germany

ZDF – HD TV outside broadcasting van MP6

Mobile production for the highest demands


Outside Broadcasting

Mainz, Germany

State-of-the-Art Studio des Bayerischen Rundfunks mit Greenscreen und moderner Kameratechnik, ausgestattet von BFE Studio und Medien Systeme GmbH. Das Studio in München ermöglicht hochmoderne TV-Produktionen und Live-Sendungen mit erweiterter Visualisierungstechnologie.

Bayerischer Rundfunk - Studio FM2

State-of-the-art studio for Bayerischer Rundfunk

Bayerischer Rundfunk


Munich, Germany

Blauer Übertragungswagen mit ausgefahrenen Satellitenanlagen und Treppe vor der Ü-Wagenhalle von BFE, Kirche von Mainz Gonsenheim im Hintergrund

HR – FÜ 2

Broadcasting van based on a motorhome

Hessischer Rundfunk


Frankfurt, Germany

Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences – Campus Derendorf

Latest media technology for five new campus buildings

Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences

Educational Institutions

Düsseldorf, Germany

Frankfurt School of Finance – media technology for the new campus

Installation of media equipment at the campus

Frankfurt School of Finance

Educational Institutions

Frankfurt, Germany

Deutschlandradio – Technical installation of studio on production floor in building FES8

Complete package of studio technology and equipment

Deutschland Radio


Berlin, Germany

RTS – Multifunctional production room

New multifunctional production room and studio refit



Geneva, Switzerland

ADAC – Media technology for new buildings in central Munich

Comprehensive media technology concept for the new ADAC headquarter


Traffic & Transport

Munich, Germany

Deutsche Welle – Redesign of studio 3

New studio with modern graphics system

Deutsche Welle


Berlin, Germany

Ausstellungsraum im Audi Driving Experience Center mit Rennwagen, innovativer Display-Wand für Bewegtbild und integrierten Exponaten wie einem Fahrerhelm, gestaltet von BFE Studio und Medien Systeme.

Audi – Driving Experience Center

Multimedia automotive experience


Traffic & Transport

Neuburg an der Donau, Germany

SRG SSR – Flavia 7 broadcast van

Broadcast vans with compact media power


Content Creation

Bern, Switzerland

Police Rhineland-Palatinate – Control room in Mainz Police HQ

Mainz Police HQ with new visualization system

Police Rhineland-Palatinate

Public Administration

Mainz, Germany

German air traffic control DFS – P2 Langen

New infrastructure for air traffic controllers

Deutsche Flugsicherung

Air Traffic Control

Langen, Germany

Fraport – Modernization of apron management A and CD

Digital apron management for optimal control

Fraport AG

Traffic & Transport

Frankfurt, Germany

Al Dawri & Al Kass – Sports Channel

New HD TV studio for Qatar

Al Kass


Doha, قطر

Smiths Detection – Scan vans

Flexible security technology for international airports

Smiths Detection

Traffic & Transport

Wiesbaden, Germany

ARD Sternpunkt – Real-time graphics in broadcasting center

Real-time graphics system for ARD

ARD Sternpunkt


Frankfurt, Germany


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