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News studio with IP-based production environment
ProSiebenSat.1 - News studio
ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE
Unterföhring, Germany
Innovative Technik für die Nachrichten von morgen: Das neue, von BFE ausgestattete Nachrichtenstudio von ProSiebenSat.1 kombiniert modernste IP-basierte Technologie, beeindruckende LED-Wände und ergonomische Broadcastmöbel. Ein zukunftsweisendes Projekt, das Produktion und Präsentation auf ein neues Level hebt.
The ProSiebenSat.1 Group commissioned BFE to modernize its news production. The aim of the project was to convert the news studio in Unterföhring from a baseband infrastructure to a modern, IP-based production environment in accordance with the ST 2110 standard. In addition, BFE was to develop and supply custom-made broadcast furniture for the control room and playout center to create an efficient and ergonomic working environment.
BFE realized a comprehensive conversion of the production infrastructure to an IP-based solution that meets all the requirements of modern and flexible news production. The 220 square meter studio was equipped with a 70 square meter curved LED wall and three movable LED walls with curved and partly movable LED walls to enable a dynamic and appealing presentation of news content. In addition, BFE supplied customized broadcast furniture tailored to the specific requirements of the production processes. A central remote studio in Berlin was also implemented and is controlled from Unterföhring.
Conversion to an IP-based production environment according to the ST 2110 standard
Implementation of a centrally controlled remote studio in Berlin
Seamless integration of the new infrastructure during ongoing operations
Equipment details:
Rounded LED walls in the studio, partly mobile, for flexible content presentation
Ergonomically and functionally optimized broadcast furniture for the control room and playout center, tailor-made by BFE
VizRT graphics
VizRT Mosart Studio Automation
Studio Robotic BlackCam / Nikon (Camera Robotics/Polymotion Chat Automatic)
Sony cameras
Lawo Audio and Broadcast Controller
Multiviewer R&S or TAG
Imagine signal processors
Panasonic Kairos network mixer
Images: © Seven.One/Nadine Rupp